Category: Video

Market Link: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.spb.tv.am


In addition to services such as NetFlix, there are already plenty of free, online video streams from television networks, and similar services. This app is a useful tool for accessing dozens of them with ease. Hilariously, it offers Picture In Picture service. As if watching video on a 4-10" display wasn't small enough.

Images provided by:
The Android Market

Created: 21 May 2013 00:34
Updated: 21 May 2013 00:36

Category Video
Market Link com.spb.tv.am

In addition to services such as NetFlix, there are already plenty of free, online video streams from television networks, and similar services. This app is a useful tool for accessing dozens of them with ease. Hilariously, it offers Picture In Picture service. As if watching video on a 4-10" display wasn't small enough.

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