One of my favourite Android Apps is TV Faves. However, it doesn't have an online version and the ones I've found that do, I don't like.
So, I decided to add a small (lol) section to my wiki site to cover this.
As always, that project exploded into something much larger.
I started by listing just the current shows I was watching.
Next, I decided to add the shows I already had seen.
Then, I decided to include all the superhero movies I had see that correspond with superhero shows.
That lead to me creating much larger sections, with wish-lists, allowing me to figure out what I had seen and what I haven't.
I've now created a monstrously comprehensive list of many superheroes, dramas and other series that is far more complete than anything you will find elsewhere.
Charlie Chan, Sherlock Holmes, Batman and Superman for example, are far more comprehensive lists than you can get from Wikipedia, IMDB or combined.
I'm very proud of the list I've created now, as a mediaphile and ironically, as I come to the conclusion of yet one more year of membership on, I've completed one more section.
So, the software, blogs, links and apps took me to the end of year one.
Now, the television and related movies have taken me to the end of year two.
That was a lot of fun.
While I realize that the vast majority of this information is just personal preference, especially when it comes to the media, I trust that this list will help others who may stumble across it, find that it contains more complete lists of information about series that they may also be interested in watching.