Whale Wars

TV.com Link: Whale Wars

Category: Documentaries
Status: Ongoing
Premiered: 2008
Years: 7
Episode Length: 60


Paul Watson is a former Green Peace member, who was outcast for his extremist views. Although, other stories say that he left because he felt that Green Peace was too soft. Either way, Watson now captains the Sea Shepherd on a long running quest to end whale hunting in the world's oceans. He's definitely an extremist and you probably won't agree with his tactics or attitude, but the cause he's chosen is definitely a worthy one.

Created: 16 Apr 2012 05:19
Updated: 13 Sep 2015 13:42

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Link Name whale-wars
Category Documentaries
Status Ongoing
Premiered 2008
Years In Production 7
Episode Length 60

Paul Watson is a former Green Peace member, who was outcast for his extremist views. Although, other stories say that he left because he felt that Green Peace was too soft. Either way, Watson now captains the Sea Shepherd on a long running quest to end whale hunting in the world's oceans. He's definitely an extremist and you probably won't agree with his tactics or attitude, but the cause he's chosen is definitely a worthy one.

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