www.AddGadget.com | All CPU Meter, Network Meter |
AddGadget.com has some very useful desktop gadgets. Not a lot of people take advantage of desktop gadgets and others just leave the one's that came installed when they got their Operating System. This is such a wasted resource. I have about 10 gadgets I use on a regular basis and with widescreen monitors, we certainly can afford the screen space. This site has two in particular that I like: CPU Meter for monitoring processor usage and Network Meter for monitoring bandwidth usage. They're great visual guides to see at a glance what's happening on your computer and how it's using the Internet or if there's a program running away with your system resources. |
Gallery.Live.com | Dark Calendar |
This is a calendar for darker themed desktops. I hate the white calendar gadget. It's too much of a stark contrast. |
Gallery.Live.com | Minamalist Notepad Gadget |
I recently had to replace my notepad gadget, because it stopped working with Windows 7 SP1. Now, this one claims it's not meant to be used as a docked Vista sidebar gadget, but I'm not exactly sure why. I've been using it for a while in Win7 and it works great. |
Blog.Orbmu2k.de | OrbLog |
From this site I usually grab Volume Control Reloaded, Top Five (Processes) and GPU Observer . This site also has Gadget Arranger which "corrects" the spacing of smaller gadgets for more uniform fits to your desktop. |
Gallery.Live.com | Outlook Info |
Synchronize with your Office Outlook, so that you can see tasks and e-mails in your sidebar. |